For a team to succeed, responsibility must go down deep into the organization, down to the roots. Getting that to happen requires a leader who will delegate responsibility and authority to the team. Good leaders don’t restrict their teams; they release them! Engaging People -Driving Success
The task of good leadership is powerful positive change. If you’re mastering your leadership, you’re mastering another people to say leadership are they producing powerful positive change in people life, in the family, in the community, in the business in the country. A leader, you must be able to create positive change.
You became the greatness, by the way you handle failure, and the way you bring others with you.
An overarching principle at CAMAJOR is our people come first. This does not mean that CAMAJOR doesn’t care about customers; nothing could be further from the truth. Sarom TAM believes that when a company takes good care of its employees, they will take good care of their customers.
For Sarom TAM, putting people first means helping them attain a well- balanced and prosperous work and family life, providing them with deserved recognition and admiration, and fostering open communication and helping behavior.
All employees should be treated with respect and as equals. His values and CAMAJOR’s culture emphasize putting people first; this employee-centered approach makes good business sense.
People at CAMAJOR really want the company to continue to grow and succeed; they are highly motivated and committed to providing the best service they can to their customers.